Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canada Day!

It’s that time of year again when in Canada we have a big party to celebrate the birth of our Nation.
This year Canada turns 144 years young, Happy Birthday Canada!

I am proud to call this beautiful land home, for all my life I have lived here; I have traveled my great country from coast to coast and I have come to one conclusion my home is beautiful.
In Canada we have 6 different time zones, 10 Provinces, 3 Territories, and 2 controlled Territories. Canada is the second largest land mass in the world, bordering 3 Oceans and 2 continents.

In our young 144 year history we have been built a Nation of proud people with a rich history of culture a diverse racial background all blended together to form the tapestry of our Great Land. We Canadians are as diverse as the Land we walk on but together we have built a strong, prosperous, wealthy, ingenious, brave, and caring Nation.

I plan to celebrate the birth on my country in none other than in the Capital City of Canada – Ottawa. It’s a whole day long celebration with performances from Canada’s top artist, speeches from all levels of Government, and even a Royal Visits from members of Canada’s Royal Family.
Imagine a party that takes place in the whole city, where the roads become walkways and one million people come to party!

This July 1, 2011 will be another Happy Canada Day as my fellow Canadians and I celebrate the birth of our Great Nation!

Happy 144th Birthday Canada!

Monday, June 27, 2011

I’m Back!

It has been a while since my last blog, I know. I have been out of the social networking seen for a little while but I am back.

I want to start posting more of my thoughts and opinions on a more regular basis. I hope to re-establish the communication with my followers and maybe start some new communications.

That is it for now but I am going to keep my post regular.